MAC’s Arts for Business Directory is a roster of professional performers, musicians, visual artists, instructors, photographers, and more. My services: Poetry for Health and Harmony in this collection are available for corporate events and communities to connect people with nature and their own creativity. For details, please contact me! Thanks. Happy Holiday Seasons!
A great success and a splendid event for 10th Anniversary Edition Poetry at the Manor!
Poetry at the Manor – Vol. 10 was a great event to celebrate the milestone tenth anniversary of the beloved event, which returned to an in-person format at Willistead Manor in Walkerville. This year’s line-up included Anna Yin (inaugural Poet Laureate for Mississauga), Richard-Yves Sitoski (Poet Laureate for Owen Sound), Micheline Maylor (Poet Laureate Emeritus for Calgary), and Sarah Lewis (past Poet Laureate for Peterborough). Thanks Windsor’s talented team!