After watching 2025 Spring Festival Gala at Living Arts Center, Mississauga, I wrote a poem: The Seeking Heart in both Chinese and English, then made poetry and music videos. I hope to you too enjoy the beautiful music and create your own poems. Cheers. #poetry #music #videos
心之寻 星子安娜诗配李明马头琴演奏2025 (伴英文字幕–some words adjusted for the film) 心之寻 /星子安娜 高校春晚观感 2025
Happy Lunar New Year & new publications and poetry event in 2025
Glad to have two poems and an interview in Poetry in Place, two translations in The Epoch Poetry Quarterly, and my translation book of Katherine L. Gordon’s After Midnight was reviewed by Steven Xu on Live Encounters Poetry and Writings. Also my poem: Returning Homeward will be on Juniper winter issue.
Additional Translations Published in the USA and Canada
Thank Tupelo Quarterly for accepting my translation : “Thirteen Short Poems to Chew On” from 严力‘s Chinese poems. It is now on the issue of January.
Thank The Prairie Journal publishing two of my translations of 木西’s Chinese poems.
My two other translations of 严力’s Chinese poems (Textbook & Falling) were accepted by Cha: An Asian Literary Journal for En Route.
My translation of 颜艾琳’s 超級販賣機 will be in Queen’s Quarterly’s summer 2025 issue. Thanks! #poetry #translations
So glad that MAC selected my project: Polyphonic celebration for Mississauga’s 50th Anniversary project as 2024 success
Thank MAC for the beautiful summary about my project: (Check the full project)
Poet and author Anna Yin used her Matchmaker MicroGrant to produce the ebook Polyphonic celebration for Mississauga’s 50th Anniversary – 2024. This heartfelt, community-engaged work captures the essence of local artists, particularly writers, celebrating Mississauga’s 50th anniversary through poems, stories, paintings, and photos. The ebook can be served as a “yearbook” of 2024, and captures writing in English, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi and Persian.
The book is written in three parts – the first explores the friendship between Mississauga and its sister city, Kariya, Japan, through poetry, particularly haikus. The second section features interviews with Mississauga community leaders and poetry writing on events that took place in Mississauga in 2024 and prior. Highlights include tributes to long-running Mayor Hazel McCallion and insights into what the future of Mississauga will hold. The final part showcases haikus written by students at Clifford International School in Guangzhou, China, guided by Anna during her 2024 travels.

Poet in Class and Poetry Reading in Oct 2024
Welcome to October, 2024…. I will complete my MAC grant project soon and will have two other events: Poet in Class and 6 poets reading at Toronto public library. Thanks Mississauga Arts Council, Poetry In Voice / Les voix de la poésieThe League of Canadian Poets
Sureway Press will have another book of translations (After Midnight/子夜过后)ready for Thanksgivings.

“After Midnight/ 子夜过后” by Katherine L . Gordon, Chinese trans by me will be published soon, Cheers
This book is part of an ongoing series of books by Canadian poets with Chinese translations by me from SUREWAY PRESS. The others are:
**** Starlight Tapestry/星光织锦
Selected poems by Don Gutteridge
****What We Do Not Know/未知之域 Selected poems by DC Reid
How poetry saved me and others: from Software Engineer to Poet Laureate (Reading at Toronto Library,Sept 18, 2024)
Thanks Toronto Public Library for inviting me for my poetry journey sharing… thanks to the fund with support of the Canada Council through the Writer’s Union of Canada…
Please feel free to join me on Sept 18, 2-3pm at Albert Campbell Branch
Register in person or by phone at 416-396-8890
Short videos of my visit at JiNan University (China)
感谢暨南大学世华馆的精心制作,五期短视频推送,留存分享!!! (Thanks JiNan University for filming and editing the following events during my visit in April 2024)
世华馆客厅 | 加拿大华裔诗人星子安娜讲座花絮 (Poetry Workshop highlights)
世华馆客厅 | 对话加拿大华裔诗人星子安娜(一)(Interview highlights)
世华馆客厅 | 对话加拿大华裔诗人星子安娜(二)
世华馆客厅 | 对话加拿大华裔诗人星子安娜(三)
世华馆客厅 | 加拿大华裔诗人星子安娜推介新著 (Book discussion highlights)
New poetry collection will be published by Frontenac Press in 2025
My “Polyphonic celebration for Mississauga’s 50th Anniversary” project updated…
Students’ work from Clifford International School, Guangzhou, China (April, 2024)
Photos and Haiku from KIFA (Kariya International Friendship Association), Japan (2024)
Artists and arts at Pollinator Showcase Garden, Mississauga 2024 and poems
Painting (Juno Jiang) and poem for Mayor Hazel (Anna Yin) July 25, 2024 / Also showcased on MAC ART HUB
Three great news to share…
I am thrilled to know that my new poetry collection (my 10th book) was accepted to be published in 2025 by Frontenac Press. Dr. Micheline Maylor-Kovitz (former Calgary poet laureate and a fine poet/editor) will be my editor. I am very much looking forward to working with her!
Two esteemed Canadian poets, Katherine L. Gordon and James Deahl, have entrusted Sureway Press with designing and publishing their new poetry collection, “Awareness.” I am delighted to be part of this project.
I have more great news: after introducing Li Yan’s work through my translations to Queen’s Quarterly, they have now accepted my translation of another esteemed Chinese poet, Yen Ai-Lin.
Poetry Alive in Canada and poem accepted in Hongkong
Thanks 聲韻詩刊 Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine thanks Tammy Lai-Ming Ho for selecting my poem: “Brueghel’s Two Monkeys”. My photo was taken before Director Jiang’s cottage at Poetry Film Island by a Chinese poet Chen Jian Feng.
Spontaneous Writing in airport with another Chinese poet (机场对诗以及其他诗歌分享活动)
On June 12, 2024, while my flight was delayed, I suggested Mr. Chen (a Chinese poet) who was waiting to pick me up at the other airport to write poems for each other. We were glad that we wrote ten fine poems. Here is the link for these poems in Chinese. (机场对诗)
Here are two more poetry events in June, 2024 in China. One in Xiangtan, Hunan, the one in Quanzhou, Fujian, China (以下是 2024 年 6 月在中国举办的另外两场诗歌活动。一个在湖南湘潭,另一个在福建泉州)
One in Suzhou, two in Hangzhou, China in May 2024
Thank poets: ZhouJun, Wang ZhiLiang and many other poets in Hangzhou to make Anna Yin’s poetry sharing event success! More photos, please click the following…
星子安娜诗歌分享会 活动嘉宾:梁晓明、王自亮、刘翔、蔡利华、陆陆、徐静、肖今
主持人:周珺 主办:浙江大学文学院、浙江工商大学金收获写作中心、晓风·明远书院
Thank Zhejiang Literary Center for hosting my poetry reading and sharing event! .
5月25日下午,由浙江文学馆主办、《青年文学家》浙江·杭州作家理事会协办的加拿大著名诗人星子安娜(Anna Yin)“漂洋过海,诗译汇流”文学讲座,在浙江文学馆4楼智慧大讲堂举行。
Photos and Reports from NanJing,China in May 2024, Thank you all for your supports!
Three poetry readings in May in Nanjing, China
I will have two poetry readings in universities in Nanjing, China. One private poetry reading in Professor Wang’s place. Two more poetry readings in Hangzhou, China.
So glad to see new and old friends in China. Thanks.
Thank JiNan University (Guangzhou China) for inviting me to share my poetry and translations! Please check the news in Chinese and photos: 外国语学院师生党支部联合暨南大学图书馆举办诗歌赏析讲座
世华馆 世界华侨华人文献馆 2024-05-05 报道:在声音的飨宴中展开知音的诗性阐释与中西文化对话——加拿大华裔诗人星子安娜讲座回顾
Poet in Class (from Canada to China)
Poetry workshops and presentations in Japan in April
My ninth book has been published by SureWay Press in Feb 2024. It includes over 70 poems along with several proses that share my experiences and thoughts throughout my life journey. The Chinese title 漂 has multiple means: “drifting”. This book is a gift to all of us who have been on the journey and will be… Thank you all!
我的第九本书由Sureway Press 出版了,是中文诗集“漂”。它将随我“漂”向新的旅程。诗友们,让我们一起“漂”亮人生,“漂”亮旅程。
Thank MAC for selecting my project as MicroGrant Success: Anna Yin, Spring 2023
What We Do Not Know by DC Reid, translated by me
Another book of translations by me will be published in Mar, 2024. The author of the book is DC Reid. DC is broadly known for extensive writing on in-ocean fish farms; neuroplasticity and extensive creativity mechanisms. He lives in Victoria, BC. I will introduce his work to broad Chinese communities. Recently, my translations of Reid’s poetry has been published in 新大陆诗刊 #200 in USA. Congratulations on Reid!
more translations published in US and Canada
]Thank Tupelo Quarterly for accepting my translation : “Thirteen Short Poems to Chew On” from 严力’s Chinese poems. The issue has been launched on January 15th, Cheers! Thanks Ming Di for recommendation. 😀😀😀 #poetry #translation

My two other translations of 严力’s Chinese poems were accepted by Cha (hongkong) magazine for En Route. My two translations of 木西‘s Chinese poems were accepted by Prairie journal were in Spring 2025 issue. My translation of 颜艾琳’s 超級販賣機 will be in Queen’s Quarterly’s summer 2025 issue. Thanks! #poetry #translations
New project: Polyphonic celebration for Mississauga’s 50th Anniversary
New poems in Hongkong and Live Writers (2024)

“Sunday Salon” poetry reading at the Laurier Art Gallery
Had a great time reading at a beautiful “Sunday Salon” poetry reading at the Laurier Art Gallery this afternoon with George Elliott Clarke, Giovanna Riccio, Ayesha Chatterjee, Antonia Facciponte, Keith Garebian, Richard Greene, Michael Fraser, Michael Mirolla, Al Moritz, Andrea Thompson, Elana Wolff. The wonderful paintings are by Mona Berga. Thank George and Giovanna for organizing this event, thank Ron to sponsor this. Cheers! More photos and videos will be posted later.
Celebrating Live Encounters Poetry & Writing 14th anniversary with Volume Six Nov-Dec 2023
Live Encounters Poetry & Writing
Glad to have my two poems, Terry Barker’s review of “Starlight Tapestry” (Poetry by Don Gutteridge, Chinese translation by me) and Don’s three new poems and other international fine poets and writers. Thank Mark Ulyseas and edictal team for the beautiful magazine!
poetry and music at Art Bar Poetry reading on Oct 23
A night of poetry in the heart of Toronto at Art Bar. Glad to have Poetry and Music with Mark Harry and also read my new poems and showcase “Starlight Tapestry” by Don Gutteridge with Chinese Translation by me. Wonderful to see old and new friends and listen to the other featured poet: Kelly Rose Pflug Back and Open mic readings. Thanks Art Bar Poetry Series, the League of Canadian Poets and Canada Council for the Arts.
Congratulations on James Rolfe’s another masterpiece: Wound Turned to Light, CD launch
The CD features 19 tracks (incl. 16 songs commissioned by George Elliott Clarke) by poets: Al Moritz, Andrea Tompson, Louise Bernice Halfe, Leonard Cohen, Choucri Paul Zemokhol, Boyd Warren Chubbs, Amatoritsero Ede, Luciano Iacobelli, Giovanna Riccio, Ayesha Chatterjee, Banoo Zan, Richard Sanger, Astrid Brunner (twice), Anna Yin, and GEC (twice). Produced by Redshift Records (TK540), the CD comes with a beautiful booklet, featuring liner notes, the poems-now-lyrics, bios, photos.

Glad to finish “Awakening”, a poetry film, and it has been released on YouTube!!!
“Awakening”, a poetry film inspired by public art in Mississauga now has been released. The short film was produced and directed by me with my film crew members Sarah Hei and Roy Marques. The film covers more than 10 pieces of public art in Mississauga and reveals the city’s unique history and culture with beautiful natural scenes. This project won a 2023 Micro Matchmaker grant from Mississauga Arts Council and was supported by local art groups and businesses. Here is the film link for you to enjoy:
Here I want to thank the Mississauga Arts Council, the Mississauga Nation, Triple J Canada, and Kaideed Education again. Check more about this project.
Starlight poetry film for Panda Games and sponsors (玉楼星光/诗电影)感谢玉楼东爱心山庄和加拿大诗人Don Gutteridge赞助
Anna Yin’s translations with Yan Li’s poems in Denver Quarterly 2023 #57.3
Showcasing Photos and Poems for Public Art and Poetry Film project 2023
Thank Chen Jie (Sponsor of my poetry projects) for joining me at Celebration Square
【海外诗粹】主编 @Vivian雯 的图文精彩编辑和点评推荐
星子安娜纽约采访诗人兼画家严力/Anna Yin interviewing Yan Li (Poet/Painter) in New York and showcasing his paintings
Introducing new poetry translation book: Starlight Tapestry
Introducing new poetry translation book: Starlight Tapestry. The book can be ordered through me or Don Gutteridge or Amazon, Chinese book city etc.Thank Roy Marques recording it!
Poetry, Painting and Public Art (Zoom Meeting)

Zoom Meeting hosted by MAC with featured poets: Armand Garnet Ruffo and Anna Yin
Date/time: July 13,2023 19:00-20:00 (ET)
(free zoom meeting will be provided after registration though [email protected] or Eventbrite
Thank you all and our sponsors: MAC, AGM, WUC, Triple J Canada, Kaideed Education !
Public Art and Poetry Film Project of Mississauga kick-off
I am happy to let you know that my project: Public Art and Poetry film project which won MAC’s 2023 spring Matchmaker MicroGrant now is ready to kick off. You are all welcome to join us from June to Oct 2023. There are several ways to support us: submit your creative photos or poems, or be our sponsors or directly participate! Thank our sponsors: MAC, AGM, WUC, Triple J Canada, Kaideed Education etc for making the project to take form!
My upcoming events in June
Join poet Anna Yin at the Art Gallery of Mississauga for the captivating workshop, “Poetic Voices.” Discover the rich history of haiku and learn the art of crafting these concise yet profound poems. Afterward, wander through the gallery’s inspiring exhibition, Jorian Charlton: Between Us, and let the artwork ignite your creativity for your own haiku masterpieces.
Reserve spot now
New publications and book for poems and translations
Thank Epoch Poetry Quarterly (Taiwan) for including my translations of three Canadian poets: Liz Howard, Don Gutteridge, Armand Garnet Ruffo. Thank Mark Ulyseas for showcasing my four new poems: Listening to Leonard Cohen.
My project won Matchmaker MicroGrant for Spring 2023 projects from Mississauga Arts Council
My new project: Creating a reflective film to foster cultural values / Project that fuses poetry and public art in a collaborative film will team with Roy Marques, Sarah Hei and other artists/participants. I thank MAC, AGM, Triple J Canada, Kaideed Education and other sponsors!
This project will start in June teamed up with a core film team and plan to finish in Oct, 2023. During our filming process, we will involve and invite the public to join us with activities to enrich connections with our city and our communities to further understand the role of public art in the history and cultural development of Mississauga. Currently we have received wonderful supports from local artists and sponsors (my last year’s sponsors want to continue their sponsorship).
It is a small low budge project. If any of you or your company would like to be involved with this project or sponsor it. Please feel free to contact me. I am sure we all could learn and have fun together. #project #film #publicart #sponsor

Also I want to mention last year my haiku project “Here and Now, Discover Mississauga and More” won a micro grant from Mississauga Arts Council (MAC) and selected to be a 2022 successful story by MAC. Thank all participants and sponsors! Cheers!
Don Gutteridge’s Starlight Tapestry with my translations will be out in June!
Poetry and Music in the Park in Mississauga (2023)
More poems/translations in English and Chinese published in 2023 Spring
Aurora Exhibition with Poetry Reading, Art and more
Another wonderful event for National Poetry Month 2023, I read and share my poems and stories to support students from Health humanities of University of Toronto at Mississauga’s campus #poetry#health#humanity
Glad to listen to other talented performers and see their artistic presentation. #art #poetry #healthhumanities

Mississauga Poetry Month 2023
This month the City of Mississauga is offering a variety of poetry contests, calls for submissions, workshops, poetry slam & more!
Check out the full list of programs. All are free. I am glad to host two events. Hope to see you!

More publications and April events
Anna’s new poems on Live Encounters Poetry & Writing March 2023
Thank Mark Ulyseas! Poetry is truly healing! In April, I will have an event Poetry for Health and Harmony… I will share these poems as well! Check the March edition of Live Encounters Poetry & Writing
March is a busy month, teaching at schools, writing, translating and publishing…
March is a busy month, I helped to judge the Etobicoke Team Regional contest for Poetry In Voice. I visited two schools for haiku workshops. I continue writing and translating poetry. I have received some good news and got new poems/translations accepted. I am now reading the Tanka anthology from England! Thanks the editors for including mine and mailing it to Canada. It took two months. It is very beautiful and had many fine tankas with a great introduction. I seldom write tanka, now I want to write more! #tanka I think today some students’ work are tanka
Of course I want to thank The League of Canadian Poets and Poetry In Voice for their support! #Teachers #schools #poetryinschool #poetinclass
Back from Cancun with new poems and other good news
Back from Cancun trip and wrote a lot of short poems and two long poems… very inspired trip! During my trip, glad to receive an email from @WindsorReview. Thanks for accepting my poem: Grandpa’s House in their spring issue. Thank @QuarterlyQueens for publishing Yan Li’s poem with my translation again. This time in their spring issue! Also thank @arcpoetry, @FreeFallMag, 创世纪诗刊 for continuing publishing my poems/translations ! And a cheque from Canada Council for the Arts in my mail… thanks!
Visiting Leonard Cohen: Everyone knows at AGO
had a great time visiting AGO for Leonard Cohen’s exhibition. Perfect! Thank my friend for the treats! Recommend all go to visit! What a great show! On the way back, also caught beautiful sunset and wrote poems for Mr. Cohen. Click to see more photos and my poems. (2023/2/16)
More Poetry Alive workshops at schools! Applications are open for 2023 funding!
So glad to visit schools in Windsor, Toronto and Mississauga. More to come and thank all the teachers and Poetry In Voice!
I am also happy to be booked by companies and churches for their team building and family events! Poetry and Arts are good for our soul and health! I am glad to more people enjoy the peace and joy that poetry brings us!
Contact me for details for 2023 school visits!
I wish you all Happy New Year!
I want to thank you all for your support in 2022 and wish you all a happy and healthy 2023. I also want to thank Mark Ulyseas for inviting me to be a guest editor for a special bilingual edition.
Here are eight Chinese poets and eight Canadian poets (not in Mirrors and Windows) I have selected… Their poems with my translations are showcased in Jan, 2023 Live Encounters!
the Arts for Business Directory 2022-2023 from Mississauga Art Council
MAC’s Arts for Business Directory is a roster of professional performers, musicians, visual artists, instructors, photographers, and more. My services: Poetry for Health and Harmony in this collection are available for corporate events and communities to connect people with nature and their own creativity. For details, please contact me! Thanks. Happy Holiday Seasons!

Video is ready: Poets and Painters-Arts in Translation
Thank you all for joining us for a special event. We have showcased Yan Li’s poem and my translation, which was just published in Queen’s Quarterly we also shared Dr. Ruffo’s poems and my translation in Chinese in Epoch Poetry Quarterly ( just out) too. Thanks Dr. Ruffo and Yan Li for sharing their work and knowledge. The video is ready! We wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season and a great new year!
Mississauga Arts Council features our haiku project as a “MicroGrant Success Story”

Thank MAC’s support and our participants! Click the above to read more. Feedback can be viewed here!
Glad that the project was mentioned in Japan for Japanese readers!!!
so glad to have my poem published in MPT
My poem and translations for Yanli on Live Encounters Poetry & Writing

Thanks Mark Ulyseas for publishing my poem for Yanli and my translations. Perfect time. I will show this and discuss Yanli’s work in New York when interviewing him. Read some of them in both Chinese and English.

A great success and a splendid event for 10th Anniversary Edition Poetry at the Manor!
Poetry at the Manor – Vol. 10 was a great event to celebrate the milestone tenth anniversary of the beloved event, which returned to an in-person format at Willistead Manor in Walkerville. This year’s line-up included Anna Yin (inaugural Poet Laureate for Mississauga), Richard-Yves Sitoski (Poet Laureate for Owen Sound), Micheline Maylor (Poet Laureate Emeritus for Calgary), and Sarah Lewis (past Poet Laureate for Peterborough). Thanks Windsor’s talented team!

Release: Here and Now, Discover Mississauga and More eBook is ready for free download
International Show of ‘Art and Poetry’ (Poetry on Walls by Women Poets)
Zoom Launch event for: International show of ‘Art and Poetry’ in metaverse, on the virtual plane of CROSSARTS Gallery, showcasing women poets from Canada and India and the Indian diaspora from the UK and USA
Participating Poets on the walls:
ANNA YIN (Canada)
QURAT DAR (Canada)
My new journey in 2022, thanks Canadian Council For the Arts for a grant!
2022 is a new turn point for me. After more than 20 years full-time working in IT field, I decided to spend more time on poetry/art/education/translation. This year, I have finished translating one poetry collection including her poetic drama for a Chinese poet (from Chinese to English), and we will have a reading in fall. I also have two Canadian poets’ collections lined up for translation (from English to Chinese)… In Aug I published Hans’ new haiku book; in Oct I will publish Here and Now, Discover Mississauga and More eBook! And Now I am thrilled for Canadian Council For the Arts awarding me a Create and Explore grant! In Sept, I will start the new project, I am very excited to learn and explore!
Nice photos by Roy Marques for future projects. Thanks a lot.
HUB Creative Talks with Anna Yin, Poet & Author
Thank Sherri Murray, MAC’s Communications Producer interviewing me to chat about being Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate from 2015-2017, some favourite moments in my career so far and information on poetry workshops and new Haiku project, Here and Now, Discover Mississauga and More, that recently won a MAC MicroGrant! Here is the video, thanks!
Monkey King on RicePaper
thanks RicePaper publishing my poem: Monkey King, I wrote it in 2021 and its Chinese version won an award in China. Also how I created the poem (in Chinese)
So glad to translate more works from Canadian Poets
First Line has published many fine Chinese poets. Thanks editors’ all wonderful work, #6 is available to order online. This issue includes my two new Chinese poems and two new translations, one for Dr. Armand Garnet Ruffo. And now I have translated “Not the Music” by Lorna Crozier and four poems by Don Gutteridge.
Vivian Zhou review of Anna Yin’s Mirrors and Windows
The Spirit of Poetry Across Ontario Updates
Readings by Poet Laureates across Ontario in celebration of National Poetry Month.
Apr 21, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. EDT Virtual on Zoom. Now the video is uploaded for watching.
Al Moritz – Toronto
Randell Adjei – Province of Ontario
Jessica Outram – Cobourg
Anna Yin – First Poet Laureate of Mississauga
Richard M. Grove – Brighton
Jason Heroux – Kingston
Richard-Yves Sitoski – Owen Sound
Victoria Butler – Barrie
Thomas Leduc – Sudbury
Albert Dumont – Ottawa (Anglophone)
Gilles Latour – Ottawa (Francophone)
Sarah Lewis – Peterborough
Alex-Andrei Ungurenasu – Windsor
Ayomide Bayowa/Current Poet Laureate of Mississauga
Former Poet Laureate Paul Edward Costa – Mississauga
Poetry Seeds was selected for the LCP’s chapbook: On the Storm / In the Struggle: poets on survival
Thanks New York First Line #6 for publishing
First Line has published many fine Chinese poets. Thanks editors’ all wonderful work, #6 is available to order online. This issue includes Anna Yin’s two new Chinese poems and two new translations, one for Dr. Ruffo.

My Poems for Canada Day
I was glad to write poems for Canada Day and read them at Celebration Square when I was Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate (2015-2017). Here are the poems and video.
So glad to receive Thank You from FX students
I was so happy to have Poetry Alive workshops again at St. Francis Xavier Secondary School on June 21, 2022. Thank all the teachers and students for making this great and fond memory. Thank them for sending the google slides, please take a moment to view With Thanks From FX. I also saved them here! See you soon for more poetry!
Glad to win a MAC’s 2022 MicroGrant

Here is my project poster and details. Our Haiku workshops will combine in-person walks and virtual writing workshops focusing on building creative and resilient communities. The first nature walk starts June 25, 2022 and the workshops run throughout the summer. Thank all our sponsors! See you all.

Updates from Kimball Electronics’ Take a Haiku Hike Challenge
I was happy to be a guest speaker and a judge for Kimball Electronics’ Take a Haiku Hike Challenge. Here are the winners with Communications Director Scott Saalman’s announcement. Thank you, Scott and all the participants, for bringing about such an amazing event where new talents were discovered. I hope to see you at our online haiku workshops in the summer (open to all). Your contributions will be considered for inclusion in our eBook in Oct. —Anna Yin
Showcase of poems and paintings with my translations for Asian Heritage Month 2022
So glad to translate poems by fine poets: Luofu and Yan Li. Also joined an online event to read the poems.
Thank Kimball Electronics inviting me to speak at their AAPI event!
Celebrating #AsianHeritageMonth
To celebrate National Poetry Month & Asian Heritage Month, Anna Yin wrote 24 haiku that were inspired by Neville G. Poy & Vivienne Poy’s beautiful photography book: Precious Moments. Please check the video to find more about Poys’ wonderful book! Some of them will be used at Anna Yin’s school and community haiku workshop programs. Thanks Dr. Vivienne’s permission!

Poem in Your Pocket Day 2022
Today is Poem in Your Pocket Day! Celebrate by carrying a poem & sharing it with others throughout the day!
This year’s Poem In Your Pocket Collection features poetry by: Ashley Elizabeth Best, Jaclyn Piudik, Keith Inman, Maureen Hynes, Bänoo Zan, Angela Cen, Callista Markotich, Harry Posner, Mark Kim, Annick MacAskill, Amy LeBlanc, Frances Boyle, Anna Yin and Marlene Grand Maitre.
These poems are also available as audio recordings and a printable booklet. To print and share from your home, check out the 2022 Poem In Your Pocket Day Booklet from LCP. (Thanks for including my poem: The Hollow Tree)
Watch RePlay: Poem in Your Pocket Day Reading at Atwater Poetry Project (April 19)

Poem in Your Pocket Day at Atwater Poetry Project
To celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day/ La Journée du poème à porter, readings by poets Andrée Levesque Sioui, Anna Yin, and Bänoo Zan, with guest host Marcela Huerta.
In partnership with La poésie partout and the League of Canadian Poets.
George Elliott Clarke Presents 5 Poets Breaking Into Song (April 6, 2022)
George Elliott Clarke Presenting a night of poetry, music and song by 5 fine poets and 2 wondrous musicians. Thanks Aurora Public Library, Ontario and The League of Canadian Poets
George Elliott Clarke l Poet Laureate (Toronto)
Giovanna Riccio l Poet, Co-Host (Toronto)
Louise Bernice Halfe l Parliamentary Poet Laureate (Regina)
Anna Yin l Chinese l Poet (Mississauga)
Boyd Warren Chubbs l Poet (St. John’s)
Astrid Brunner l Poet (Halifax)
Andrea Thompson l Poet (Toronto)
Juliet Palmer l Pianist (Toronto)
James Rolfe l Composer (Toronto)
National Poetry Month: City of Dublin Poetry Walk 2022
Thanks James Morehead selecting my poem for City of Dublin Poetry Walk 2022 for their national poetry month celebration!
Celebrate the Cherry Blossom Festival with Your Own Haiku – 櫻花時節吟俳句

Celebrate the Cherry Blossom Festival with a fun and interactive poetry appreciation event hosted by Anna Yin for Vancouver Public Library has received wonderful feedback. Here is one:
Congratulations on another excellent session tonight, grateful for the opportunity to learn from you. Thank you for sharing your time, expertise and love for poetry. Wonderful to see you again -Maria
Author Talks: Anna Yin on April 6 at Mississauga Public Library
This National Poetry Month, thank Mississauga Library and Art and Culture inviting me for Author Talks on April 6, 2022. (Thanks The League of Canadian Poets and Canada Council for the Arts)

Here are some feedback:
On behalf of Mississauga Library, and our program participants, Thank YOU for a great Author Talk session on Wednesday evening. It was a very engaging talk and we received very positive feedback for the program. I’ve shared a customer comment below:· Anna was very engaging and the conversation with her flowed nicely.Thank you again for your time for this program. It was a pleasure working with you, and I hope we get a chance to host you again in person! —Elizabeth Caione
Dear Anna, I greatly enjoyed your Mississauga Library interview last night. I thought the questions were good, and your answers were engaging and illuminating. —Allan Briesmaster
Tonight: Mark Allen Everett Poetry Series: Anna Yin and Grace Lau

Grace Lau and Anna Yin read on Wednesday, March 23rd on Zoom. Open mic starts at 6:30 p.m. central time (bring your work!); stay for the reading at 7:00 p.m. Register in advance for this Zoom poetry reading. Thanks Mark Allen Everett Poetry Series at the University of Oklahoma (USA)
Glad to win 2022 Broadsheet poetry contest
Thank Poetry X Hunger and Epoch Poetry Quarterly(创世纪诗刊)
Poetry X Hunger: Raspberries by Anna Yin.
Several of these poems will be showcased in the coming weeks by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the Capital Area Food Bank. Thanks!

So happy to have Virtual Class Visits for Poetry Alive
This Feb I was so glad to be invited by schools for Virtual Class Visit for Poetry Alive at KINGSWAY COLLEGE SCHOOL and Francis Libermann school. Thanks teachers who love poetry! Thank students who want poetry! Thanks Writers’ Union of Canada, Poetry In Voice! Also thank The League of Canadian Poets for my upcoming Poetry Alive workshops.
Thank Freefall magazine for publish my essay: ON POETRY TRANSLATION: WHERE CAN WE DETOUR?
Jan 22: Poets Celebrating No Borders with Mirrors and Windows
Mirrors and Windows- interviews from Open Book & Artisanal Writer

Click to read the interview on Open Book! |
Open Book:With English renderings of acclaimed modern Chinese poets and translations of English poems from Canada, the US, and the UK, Mirrors and Windows is a tapestry of contemporary poetry that blurs origin and language and constructs a universal celebration of poetic energy. This is such an interesting and ambitious project and it was wonderful to get to read you speaking about it so passionately. We’re thrilled to have you on the site and to share this with our readers. —Grace O’Connell (Open Book) |

The Artisanal Writer with Anna Yin : 9 questions about the Craft of Writing and Reading (Nov, 2021)
East Meets West- Mirrors and Windows reading (Allan, Kate, Richard, Kateri and Anna) recorded video, 2021
Glad to win the first place for Brooklin Poetry Society 3rd annual contest
Thanks Brooklin Poetry Society and judge, KV Skene! Congrats to all winners:Anna Yin, Bänoo Zan and Marsha Barber, and our honourable mentions, Andrea Rachel, Mansour Noorbakhsh and Lynn Tait!!
- Also Three of my Chinese poems were published in Epoch Poetry Quarterly (Taiwan) #204 (礼物,穿越,流言)
- My essay for Covid 19 has been published in Global Pandemic Crisis: a series of literary essays on quarantine
George Elliott Clarke – Review Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac
Thank Live Encounters publishing George Elliott Clarke – Review Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac by Anna Yin
Anna Yin is a startling dreamer. Poems that seem Romantic veer into Surrealism or Symbolism. Tutored in Sylvia Plath and William Carlos Williams, among many other poets (mainly American and Canadian), Yin issues poems that are nightmare dreams or dreamy nightmares: Here’s a world where the natural becomes unnatural, the unnatural natural: “the police-monkey escorts a well-suited rat / followed by his cloned brothers…” Some poems are parables, such as the story of a man- a father-who refuses to leave his home, even while it and others are being reduced to rubble: “I received a copy of the photo in the local newspaper. / My father looked so small on the top of the ruins. / It was titled, ‘The Last Temple.’”
In another poem, the speaker says, “You are tired of his / molding, over and over, / thrashing, nailing / into you.” There’s a fierce feminism here, reinforced by readings of Dot Livesay and Dame Atwood. Though it’s tricky following Yin’s wicked, impressionistic juxtapositions, her painterly imagery is deliciously lustrous.
Yin is endlessly perspicacious, endlessly compelling: “The autumn gusts feel warm / as if it’s spring…. / last night by accident I cut my finger… / slowly, on the rice paper, red roses grew.” She brings to Canadian poetry a sense of classicism and aestheticism and minimalism, all nicely mixed up with sensuality.
Yin’s bravura poems – so exquisite and extraordinary – merit bravo upon bravo.
Publisher’s website:
The 4th Poet Laureate of Toronto (2012-15) and the 7th Parliamentary/Canadian Poet Laureate (2016-17), George Elliott Clarke is a revered artist in song, drama, fiction, screenplay, essays, and poetry. Born in Windsor, Nova Scotia, in 1960, Clarke was educated at the University of Waterloo, Dalhousie University, and Queen’s University. Clarke is also a pioneering scholar of African-Canadian literature. A professor of English at the University of Toronto, Clarke has taught at Duke, McGill, the University of British Columbia, and Harvard. He holds eight honorary doctorates, plus appointments to the Order of Nova Scotia and the Order of Canada at the rank of Officer. His recognitions include the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Fellows Prize, the Governor-General’s Award for Poetry, the National Magazine Gold Award for Poetry, the Dartmouth Book Award for Fiction, the Eric Hoffer Book Award for Poetry (US), and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Achievement Award. Photo Credit of George Elliott Clarke : Harvard University.
Live Encounters _ George Elliott Clarke – Review_br_Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac by Anna Yin
Anna Yin was Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate (2015-2017) and has authored five collections of poetry. Her poems/translations have appeared at ARC Poetry, New York Times, China Daily, CBC Radio, World Journal etc. Anna won the 2005 Ted Plantos Memorial Award, two MARTYs, two scholarships from West Chester University Poetry Conference, three grants from OAC and 2013 Professional Achievement Award from CPAC. She performed her poetry on Parliament Hill and has been featured at 2015 Austin International Poetry Festival and 2017 National poetry month project etc. She teaches Poetry Alive at schools, colleges and libraries. Her website:
Review: Love’s Lighthouse by Anna Yin