Our Stories-co-creating workshops and new website



OurStoriesPosterAfter our final workshop (#9), I created a new website to host all the photos and videos for Our Stories Co-creating and Sharing project…I hope it to be an opening ending, so others can continue creating and sharing their works…Please check surewaypress.com/en for all the information.

I want to thank all the participants for joining us to express and present their stories through poetic reflection and various arts. I hope that these artistic processes have created a cultural awareness in the wider society. Thank our partners: CPAC, HSK and CCNEWS. Thank Ontario Arts Council for the grant.



The above shape poem: The Red Maple was written to celebrate 2016 Canada Day  in Mississauga. I was glad that the city appointed me for the first Poet Laureate in 2015 and supported many of my poetry projects for the city. Now happily received this from our city and Mayor Bonnie Crombie.

2017 West Chester University Poetry Conference

No. 5 Poetry E-zine introducing six poets from West Chester University Poetry Conference

2017 Poetry Conference Poster1-page-001








2017snapI had a great time at both 2016 and 2017 West Chester University Poetry Conference. It gave me a great opportunity to meet many fine poets. I was happy to translate some works by them into Chinese. I also had fun to host three poetry events at Poetry House for 2017 conference and busy with many events and workshops.  I signed up for Molly Peacock’s workshop and learnt a lot. Thank Sam Gwynn, Molly Peacock, and all of you.

Thank you teachers for bringing Poets in Schools!

poetryalive1Another great time at Dolphin Public School (Mississauga), Agincourt Collegiate Institute (Toronto) and Francis Libermann School (Toronto) for Poetry Alive workshops.  Thank our wonderful teachers and librarians for bringing poets to schools.

Poetry Alive and Poets In Schools
Poetry Alive and Poets In Schools
at Dolphin Public School for Poetry Alive workshops
at Agincourt Collegiate Institute

The above is a 2-minute video introduction to my Poetry Alive Workshop.  To find out how to apply for funding to bring poets in schools, please check: http://poets.ca/pits/