Three great news to share…

I am thrilled to know that my new poetry collection (my 10th book) was accepted to be published in 2025 by Frontenac Press. Dr. Micheline Maylor-Kovitz (former Calgary poet laureate and a fine poet/editor) will be my editor. I am very much looking forward to working with her!

Two esteemed Canadian poets, Katherine L. Gordon and James Deahl, have entrusted Sureway Press with designing and publishing their new poetry collection, “Awareness.” I am delighted to be part of this project.

I have more great news: after introducing Li Yan’s work through my translations to Queen’s Quarterly, they have now accepted my translation of another esteemed Chinese poet, Yen Ai-Lin.

Spontaneous Writing in airport with another Chinese poet (机场对诗以及其他诗歌分享活动)

On June 12, 2024, while my flight was delayed, I suggested Mr. Chen (a Chinese poet) who was waiting to pick me up at the other airport to write poems for each other. We were glad that we wrote ten fine poems. Here is the link for these poems in Chinese. (机场对诗)

Here are two more poetry events in June, 2024 in China. One in Xiangtan, Hunan, the one in Quanzhou, Fujian, China (以下是 2024 年 6 月在中国举办的另外两场诗歌活动。一个在湖南湘潭,另一个在福建泉州)