Remembering Steve Jobs

I worked for Apple China 15 years ago. I really got interested in IT because of working in Apple. In 1999, I came to Canada and continued working as a java developer. I always love Steve’s speeches which inspired me a lot. “Keep looking…follow your heart”. Two years ago, my poetry book was accepted to be published by Mosaic Press and I would like to title my book “The Waiting Apple”, it eventually changed to “Wings Toward Sunlight”. I would like to think of Jobs Steve as the wings toward sunlight and remember his positive attitude and enormous strengths.

《作别向日葵/Farewell to Sunflowers》

Since many friends asked if I have poems in both Chinese and English, so I made an eBook from my old chapbook “Farewell To Sunflowers” (2007) which is out of print. I would like to send this to you as a small gesture of my gratitude towards your support. These poems are my earlier poems, so you might see the developing process of my poetry journey. I don’t have too much time to revise them as I did for my new poetry book “Wings Toward Sunlight”. But I do have plan to publish a book length poetry book in Chinese and English later when I have enough time to revise and edit old and new poems. So this one is really a small gift and I hope you still enjoy it. Thanks a lot.《作别向日葵/Farewell to Sunflowers》16 首中英文星子诗歌下载 (16 of my earlier poems in Chinese/English) to download