Tammy Ho’s review for Raspberries

A cup of fine tea: Anna Yin’s “Raspberries”

There is not a wasted word in Yin’s “Raspberries”. The poem is a concise exploration of a moment; a modern interpretation of the kind of classical Chinese poems in which a specific scene, thought or feeling is condensed and captured in the most economic way. Yet, despite its focus on a particular instant, Yin’s poem still allows for any number of interpretations.

The poet’s inspiration is clearly nature in this work, and throughout the poem, she uses different natural elements in simple yet powerful images. Read more

星子(Anna Yin)作品目录以及评论集

1。开幕词: 山城子
早期作品          双语作品其他作品部分已评作品选

 3。 诗歌配画
A / 流星 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=3565
B / 我只是一朵蒲公英 http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=29053
C / 蓝调 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=2008
D / 秋之颂 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=2023
E / 午后的风 (看非马老师的画有感) http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=2214
F/ 向晚 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=2182

A / 西席多媒体 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=4818
B / 叶雨多媒体 https://www.annapoetry.com/?p=434

C / 自制电子杂志 http://anna.88just.com/annaEzine.exe
B / 星星物语 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=3719

A / 2006加拿大中文电视台安妮专访
B /2005新时代电视采访
C / 2005 加拿大国家电台采访: https://www.annapoetry.com/?p=181
D) 研讨会:星子—— 山城子 对话

6 (照片) http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=33127

A / 离回去的日子近了 http://coviews.com/viewtopic.php?p=174499
B / 多伦多 , 不再哭泣 (安妮朗诵)
C / 笨妹朗诵 告别交响曲 http://www.coviews.com/posting.php?mode=editpost&p=157301

英文版: http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=32898

9、专题采访 (特约记者:Eric Liu)
原文 http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=32937
翻译 http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=32932

10. 西方诗人和读者评星子
Regaining Memory: (by Terry Barker)


山城子: 童年有诗意,欲辨非忘然——共鸣于星子早期作品《往事》

山城子: 乡情、爱情、诗情,情情执著-学习星子的诗歌


山城子: 血浓于水的游子情——读星子回国探访的两首小诗

迪拜: “百合花, 在苍茫的河床骄傲地开放”—-品星子的人和诗

荧石: 星子诗歌浅读

肖今: 星光下的精神家园——星子印象记

觅雪嫦晴: 星子的天空:追求爱和自由的诗性天空

黄崇超: 星子,在海洋的那边(也说星子诗)

何均: 星子的诗:偶然的火花,必然的星辰

温东华: 自然,妙趣;朴素 ——说星子女士的诗

叶雨: 说说我眼中星子的诗

长篙 : 也谈星子的灵性


高岸: 读星子的诗歌<多伦多,不再哭泣>

2007 Update (Copy right by Anna Yin)  

Anna’s chapbooks

Beyong My Knowing( ISBN 0-9739148-0-7)

Iskov’s review:

Anna Yin’s delicate, sensitive and haunting poetry will sweep you off your feet, carry you to exciting, exotic places and land you right in your own backyard. From her carefully crafted Haiku, to her sorrowful, melodic, sweet verses, you will not be able to put this chapbook down, nor will you be able to read these beautiful poems only once. You will want to read them over and over again.
———I.B. Iskov, Founder, The Ontario Poetry Society and Poetry Editor

Jasmine Star Light (ISBN 0-9739100-2-X)

In James Deahl’s recent translation of ancient Chinese poet, Tu Fu’s poem, “Brief Spring,” he writes, “I watch butterflies andraid deep blossoms,/ Watch dragonflies skim the water’s surface.” and though Tu Fu speaks of this activity as “aimless” we realize thatbeneath the surface of such imagery the poet is engaged in important work.What is it then to preserve the history of ephemeral things, but to suggest the presense of the eternal in such studied attentiveness. So too, in the poems of Chinese Canadian poet Anna Yin, wherein dreams, desires, shadows, moonlight,memories find their qualities as interior and eternal in the presence of seen things.Butterflies. Fireflies. Lilies. Dewdrops. Spider webs. Winds. Breezes. Mists. Footprints. Snowflakes. Pinecones. All curve backwards into permanence. We know the quality of love is apprehended in loss. Exile need not lead to alienation. As she writes in her poem, “The Family Tree,”–“I wander this involute city,wish a wilted leaf blown back home.” That curious word “involute” with its double denotation meaning curling backwards and disappearing, and that noun/verb ”wish” remind us that this living poet’s captured moment is contemporary with the centuries old concerns and observations of Tu Fu. Poetry writing is important work. The hand may be a butterfly, but it leaves a permanent record of that which has always concerned us. If we leave a trace of what we are, we honour life.
 –John B. Lee, Poet Laureate of the City of Brantford

Farewell to Sunflowers (ISBN 0-9739148-1-5) 

Anna Yin is one of the bravest poets I have read. The reason I say that is because she dares to straddle the line between two languages, two very different cultures and strives to find an acceptable service to both. She learns as she works and surprisingly she has achieved success, translating poetry and writing poems with a unique mix of the oriental and occidental. She works through the real events of life in a Western Canadian city using a quiet meditative style.” life there/has no trace of a spring;/I bring it back /and water it with my heart,” I often find bits of poetry in her writing that are like small Chinese miniatures, bits of meditation where her mind makes lovely images around the commonplace. “I halt and listen–/to each thin leaf/and falling dewdrops.” These pieces contribute a soft freshness to the sarcasm of many Canadian and American poets.
                     — Don Schaeffer 
2007 Update (Copy right by Anna Yin)
anna name