星子(Anna Yin)作品目录以及评论集

1。开幕词: 山城子
早期作品          双语作品其他作品部分已评作品选

 3。 诗歌配画
A / 流星 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=3565
B / 我只是一朵蒲公英 http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=29053
C / 蓝调 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=2008
D / 秋之颂 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=2023
E / 午后的风 (看非马老师的画有感) http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=2214
F/ 向晚 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=2182

A / 西席多媒体 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=4818
B / 叶雨多媒体 https://www.annapoetry.com/?p=434

C / 自制电子杂志 http://anna.88just.com/annaEzine.exe
B / 星星物语 http://www.coviews.com/weblog_entry.php?e=3719

A / 2006加拿大中文电视台安妮专访
B /2005新时代电视采访
C / 2005 加拿大国家电台采访: https://www.annapoetry.com/?p=181
D) 研讨会:星子—— 山城子 对话

6 (照片) http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=33127

A / 离回去的日子近了 http://coviews.com/viewtopic.php?p=174499
B / 多伦多 , 不再哭泣 (安妮朗诵)
C / 笨妹朗诵 告别交响曲 http://www.coviews.com/posting.php?mode=editpost&p=157301

英文版: http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=32898

9、专题采访 (特约记者:Eric Liu)
原文 http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=32937
翻译 http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=32932

10. 西方诗人和读者评星子
Regaining Memory: (by Terry Barker)


山城子: 童年有诗意,欲辨非忘然——共鸣于星子早期作品《往事》

山城子: 乡情、爱情、诗情,情情执著-学习星子的诗歌


山城子: 血浓于水的游子情——读星子回国探访的两首小诗

迪拜: “百合花, 在苍茫的河床骄傲地开放”—-品星子的人和诗

荧石: 星子诗歌浅读

肖今: 星光下的精神家园——星子印象记

觅雪嫦晴: 星子的天空:追求爱和自由的诗性天空

黄崇超: 星子,在海洋的那边(也说星子诗)

何均: 星子的诗:偶然的火花,必然的星辰

温东华: 自然,妙趣;朴素 ——说星子女士的诗

叶雨: 说说我眼中星子的诗

长篙 : 也谈星子的灵性


高岸: 读星子的诗歌<多伦多,不再哭泣>

2007 Update (Copy right by Anna Yin)  

Wordsmith wins Ontario Society of Poets award


Wordsmith wins Ontario Society of Poets award


Sandy Millar

Nov 27, 2005

Having just started her career in poetry two years ago, Mississauga poet Anna Yin was surprised to win the prestigious Ted Plantos Memorial Award from the Ontario Society of Poets.

“I couldn’t believe it,” said Yin. “I thought they were calling about something else, so it took me a moment to understand the reason for their call. I feel so lucky they chose me.”

Yin entered the competition with three of her latest poems, including a tribute to Cecelia Zhang, entitled No More Weeping. A second was entitled There Must Be Something, and a third, Moon Night.

None are longer than 38 lines and her style is freeform, but it suggests a traditional hint of the common verse.

Not all poets have the talent for honing in on just the right word, but Yin possesses that rare gift.

“I don’t work at finding the right word,” said Yin. “It just comes to me. I think if you write from the heart, the right words will flow. I can usually finish a poem in 10 or 20 minutes, but I have to be in the mood.”

Her usual subject matter includes topics such as nature, animals, love and feelings, but most of her offerings envelope the poignant themes of hope, longing and sadness.

As I.B. Iskov, Founder of the Ontario Poet’s Society noted, “Through her delicate, sensitive and haunting manner, Anna Yin’s poems will carry you from exciting, exotic places to your own backyard. From Haikus to her sorrowful melodic sweet verses, you will want to read them over and over again.”

During her first year as a poet, Yin produced more than 100 poems.

Now that she has a better grasp of the challenge, though, she has slowed her pace and seeks constant evaluations and critiques from her peers before moving on.

To date, she has produced 170 poems and two booklets.

She has also garnered several smaller awards.

Yin writes in both English and Chinese and complements much of her work with pictures.

The judge in this year’s competition was famed international poet John B. Lee. He noted that it took no time at all to separate her work from the rest and added that Yin speaks from the heart.

The Ontario Poet’s Society was founded in 1999 and boasts 188 members.

Based in Toronto, it is one of the most prominent organizations in the GTA, with 14 branches across the province.

Proceeds from the competition go to the Ted Plantos Memorial Seed Fund, established to give financial support to new poets and emerging writers.

My first CBC Radio Interview -Toronto, No More Weeping

Anna Yin was interviewed by Alan Neal. CBC Radio 1. It played on Ontario Today program at noon on Dec 06 2005.

Chinese version is here

Toronto, No More Weepingcandle

(in memory of Cecilia Zhang)
By Anna Yin
I dream of you in crimson,
morning sun blazing in its glory,
maple leaves flaming on the skyline;

Through silvery threads you are sailing,
sheer wings gliding upon the crescent,
with drizzle drifting in its glowing.

The city below railed off by yellow ribbons,
streets inside muted in cold reminiscence.
The slim buildings huddle in silence,
as crowds hunt for evidence.

They spin their wheels to chase you,
plough shadows of each angle.
Your smiling posters traverse the entire city
carried by the heartbroken.

The coming spring is very cold,
even as chilly as the breaking news.
Candles and cards confide our yearning
wish for you to reside in peace in heaven.

You ride on a rainbow to my dream,
pour soft light upon my poem.
Starlets gleaming in your eyes,
rise up in primal unison.

Whirlwinds brush away my tear,
streams moisten my tone.
The angel, a presence very near,
walks you into the eternal heaven.

Breezes wave their rustle.
Beaches cradle their ocean.
Where you lay shall burst into rich blossoms.
Whom you suffered by, shall pay for the crime.

May winds bring in your fragrance.
May birds sing in your tune.
May loved ones weave your dreams.
May the homeless find your lantern.

I paint my dream with each line,
and hone the blues off my mind.
My voices echo with tsunami howling,
“Toronto, no more weeping!”