Anna Yin was Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate (2015-2017) and has authored six poetry collections and four books of translations including “Mirrors and Windows”(Guernica Editions). Her poems/translations won awards and appeared at ARC Poetry, New York Times, Queen’s Quarterly, China Daily, CBC Radio etc. She teaches Poetry Alive. Her website: annapoetry.com
Anna Yin was Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate (2015-17) with six poetry collections and four books of translations. Anna won 2005 Ted Plantos Memorial Award, two MARTYs, two USA scholarships and grants from OAC and CCA. Her works have appeared at Queen’s Quarterly, ARC Poetry, New York Times, China Daily, CBC Radio. She read on Parliament Hill, at Austin & Edmonton Poetry Festival etc. Her 11th book is Breaking into Blossom (Frontenac Press 2025)
Anna Yin was Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate (2015-2017) and has authored six collections of poetry and four books of translations including Mirrors and Windows (Guernica Editions) in 2021. Anna won the 2005 Ted Plantos Memorial Award, two MARTYs, two scholarships from USA and three grants from Ontario Arts Council etc. Her poems/translations have appeared at Queen’s Quarterly, ARC Poetry, New York Times, China Daily, CBC Radio, Literary Review of Canada etc. She has designed and hosted various Poetry Alive workshops with multimedia since 2011 and they have been well received in classes in person and online. Her website: https://annapoetry.com
星子安娜 (Anna Yin)加拿大密西沙加市第一屆桂冠诗人(2015-2017),获2005 年安大略省詩人協會詩歌奖,2010/2014 密市文学奖,2013 CPAC专业成就奖以及2016/2017两届西切斯特大学诗歌大会奖学金和安省以及加拿大艺术项目奖等。安娜著有四本英文诗集,《爱的灯塔》双语诗选以及《镜子与窗户》东西诗翻译集。作品发表在多个国际刊物,也被加拿大国家诗歌月和全国公交巡展诗歌以及大学选用。安娜多次在国际诗歌节表演和講授诗歌,承任诗歌评委和策划人。安娜网站:annapoetry.com
星子安娜 /Anna Yin加拿大密西沙加市首屆桂冠诗人(2015-2017),著四本英文诗集,一本《爱的灯塔双语诗集》以及四本诗译。安娜诗歌获北美多个英文诗歌奖,被加拿大国家电台,诗歌月和全国公交巡展以及学院选用。安娜也多次荣任英文诗集评委,在国际诗歌节表演和講授诗歌。
Anna Yin was born in China and immigrated to Canada in 1999. She was Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate (2015-2017) and Ontario representative to the League of Canadian Poets (2013-2016). Anna has authored four poetry collections in English, “Love’s Lighthouse” in Chinese and English (2019), and four books of translation. Anna won the 2005 Ted Plantos Memorial Award, two MARTYs, two scholarships from USA and three grants from Ontario Arts Council. Her poems/translations have appeared at Queen’s Quarterly, ARC Poetry, New York Times, China Daily, CBC Radio, World Journal. She was a finalist for Canada’s Top 25 Canadian Immigrants Award in 2011 and in 2012. Her poem “Still Life” was displayed on 700 buses in 13 cities across Canada for the Poetry In Transit project in 2013/2014. Anna performed on Parliament Hill, at Austin International Poetry Festival, Edmonton Poetry Festival and universities in China, USA and Bangladesh. She has designed and taught Poetry Alive at schools, colleges, libraries and online. In 2020, she started her own small press: surewaypress.com to help translation editing and publishing services. Her website: annapoetry.com
星子安娜 湖南出生,99年移民加拿大,是加拿大密西沙加市首届桂冠诗人(2015-17)。获2005 年安大略省诗人协会诗歌奖,2010/2014 密市文学奖,2013 CPAC专业成就奖以及2016/2017美国诗歌大会奖学金和安省以及加拿大艺术项目奖等。著有四本英文诗集,一部《爱的灯塔》双语诗选和四本诗译。安娜诗歌以及翻译发表在多个知名国际刊物,也被加拿大国家诗歌月和公交巡展以及大学选用。安娜被多个加拿大英文诗歌节聘请表演和讲授诗歌以及担任评委。