Photos and videos for 2013 Mississauga’s national poetry month event

The following photos were taken by Zeng Hong[nggallery id=16]

The following photos were taken by Shi Yin[nggallery id=17]

Thanks Zeng Hong, Steven Cen, Ann Zhu and Shi Yin for photos. Thanks Ann Zhang to help to tape the event.      more photos link…. photo2

Videos:  D.S. Matin read | Patrick Connors read  |  Susan Munro read  |  Dina Ripsman Eylon read  | Max Layton read |Michelle Zeng read | Anna Yin read(Mark Harry music) | Anna Yin read (Mark & Sandy music) | Norman Cristofoli read | Cheryl Antao-Xavier read | Trevor Trower read |  Pratap Reddy |Terry Barker read | Saskia Van Tetering read | Mary Ellen Koroscil read | Zohra Zoberi read | Kim read  Ivy Reiss read |Stooie lil read…